An Invitation to the Roland World of Music
Roland - An Invitation To The Roland World Of Music.bin
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Text File
2,353 lines
Begin Form FormMidiMixr
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
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Caption = "MIDI CoolTools - MIDI Mixer Example"
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Begin Frame Frame2
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Begin CommandButton CmdChannelOnOff
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TrackWidth = 2
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Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
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LinkProperty = ""
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ThumbWidth = 295
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TickLength = 4
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TickWidth = 1
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TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
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BevelWidth = 1
BorderWidth = 1
Gap = 3
Height = 1245
Index = 6
LargeChange = 10
Left = 3690
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
ThumbHeight = 425
ThumbStyle = 3 'Lined
ThumbWidth = 295
TickColor = &H00000000&
TickCount = 5
TickLength = 4
TickMarks = 3 'Both
TickWidth = 1
Top = 330
TrackBevel = 3 'Lowered
TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 0 'None
BevelOuter = 3 'Lowered
BevelWidth = 1
BorderWidth = 1
Gap = 3
Height = 1245
Index = 5
LargeChange = 10
Left = 3090
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
ThumbHeight = 425
ThumbStyle = 3 'Lined
ThumbWidth = 295
TickColor = &H00000000&
TickCount = 5
TickLength = 4
TickMarks = 3 'Both
TickWidth = 1
Top = 330
TrackBevel = 3 'Lowered
TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 0 'None
BevelOuter = 3 'Lowered
BevelWidth = 1
BorderWidth = 1
Gap = 3
Height = 1245
Index = 4
LargeChange = 10
Left = 2490
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
ThumbHeight = 425
ThumbStyle = 3 'Lined
ThumbWidth = 295
TickColor = &H00000000&
TickCount = 5
TickLength = 4
TickMarks = 3 'Both
TickWidth = 1
Top = 330
TrackBevel = 3 'Lowered
TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 0 'None
BevelOuter = 3 'Lowered
BevelWidth = 1
BorderWidth = 1
Gap = 3
Height = 1245
Index = 3
LargeChange = 10
Left = 1890
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
ThumbHeight = 425
ThumbStyle = 3 'Lined
ThumbWidth = 295
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TickCount = 5
TickLength = 4
TickMarks = 3 'Both
TickWidth = 1
Top = 330
TrackBevel = 3 'Lowered
TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
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BevelWidth = 1
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Index = 2
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Left = 1290
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LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
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ThumbStyle = 3 'Lined
ThumbWidth = 295
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TickCount = 5
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TickMarks = 3 'Both
TickWidth = 1
Top = 330
TrackBevel = 3 'Lowered
TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
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BevelInner = 0 'None
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BevelWidth = 1
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ThumbWidth = 295
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TickWidth = 1
Top = 330
TrackBevel = 3 'Lowered
TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin VSlider VSliderVolume
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 0 'None
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BevelWidth = 1
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Gap = 3
Height = 1245
Index = 0
LargeChange = 10
Left = 90
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
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ThumbStyle = 3 'Lined
ThumbWidth = 295
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TickCount = 5
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TickMarks = 3 'Both
TickWidth = 1
Top = 330
TrackBevel = 3 'Lowered
TrackWidth = 2
Value = 127
Width = 435
Begin Frame Frame4
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Master Volume (Driver)"
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Width = 1845
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Left = 120
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TickCaptionColor= &H00000000&
TickCaptions = MIDIMIXR.FRX:0302
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TickCount = 10
TickGap = 2
TickLength = 8
TickWidth = 1
Top = 240
Value = 0
Width = 1545
Begin MIDIOutput MIDIOutput1
DeviceID = 0
Left = 6540
Top = 5430
VolumeLeft = 0
VolumeRight = 0
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Left = 6780
MaxSysexSize = 0
MessageEventEnable= 0 'False
Top = 5220
Begin Frame Frame3
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "[MIDI Out] Left/Right Panning"
FontBold = 0 'False
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FontSize = 8.25
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Left = -15
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Top = 1560
Width = 9705
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Caption = "SC Chorus Control"
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Height = 255
Index = 2
Left = 3000
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Top = 1200
Width = 1815
Begin OptionButton OptionMidiController
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "SC Reverb Control"
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Index = 1
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Top = 1200
Width = 1695
Begin OptionButton OptionMidiController
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Pan Control"
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FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 255
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Top = 1200
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Width = 1215
Begin Knob KnobPan
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IndicatorWidth = 0
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KnobStyle = 1 'Raised
Left = 9030
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LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
Radius = 200
TickCaptionColor= &H00000000&
TickCaptions = MIDIMIXR.FRX:0504
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TickCount = 3
TickGap = 2
TickLength = 3
TickWidth = 1
Top = 240
Value = 64
Width = 555
Begin Knob KnobPan
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IndicatorWidth = 0
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KnobStyle = 1 'Raised
Left = 8430
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
Radius = 200
TickCaptionColor= &H00000000&
TickCaptions = MIDIMIXR.FRX:0706
TickColor = &H00000000&
TickCount = 3
TickGap = 2
TickLength = 3
TickWidth = 1
Top = 240
Value = 64
Width = 555
Begin Knob KnobPan
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IndicatorWidth = 0
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KnobStyle = 1 'Raised
Left = 7830
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
Radius = 200
TickCaptionColor= &H00000000&
TickCaptions = MIDIMIXR.FRX:0908
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TickCount = 3
TickGap = 2
TickLength = 3
TickWidth = 1
Top = 240
Value = 64
Width = 555
Begin Knob KnobPan
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BevelWidth = 2
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KnobStyle = 1 'Raised
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LinkProperty = ""
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Min = 0
Radius = 200
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TickCaptions = MIDIMIXR.FRX:0B0A
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TickCount = 3
TickGap = 2
TickLength = 3
TickWidth = 1
Top = 240
Value = 64
Width = 555
Begin Knob KnobPan
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KnobStyle = 1 'Raised
Left = 6630
LinkControl = ""
LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
Radius = 200
TickCaptionColor= &H00000000&
TickCaptions = MIDIMIXR.FRX:0D0C
TickColor = &H00000000&
TickCount = 3
TickGap = 2
TickLength = 3
TickWidth = 1
Top = 240
Value = 64
Width = 555
Begin Knob KnobPan
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Index = 10
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LinkProperty = ""
Max = 127
Min = 0
Radius = 200
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TickCaptions = MIDIMIXR.FRX:0F0E
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TickCount = 3
TickGap = 2
TickLength = 3
TickWidth = 1
Top = 240
Value = 64
Width = 555
Begin Knob KnobPan
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BevelWidth = 2
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Begin Knob KnobPan
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Begin Menu mnuFile
Caption = "&File"
Begin Menu mnuFileExit
Caption = "E&xit"
Begin Menu mnuSettings
Caption = "&Settings"
Begin Menu mnuSettingsMidi
Caption = "&MIDI..."
Option Explicit
Sub CmdChannelOnOff_Click (Channel As Integer)
If CmdChannelOnOff(Channel).Caption = "On" Then
' Set Volume for this channel to 0
' Control Volume for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), MAIN_VOLUME, 0, 0
CmdChannelOnOff(Channel).Caption = "Off"
' Reset Volume fot this channel back to VSliderVolume
' Control Volume for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), MAIN_VOLUME, (VSliderVolume(Channel).Value), 0
CmdChannelOnOff(Channel).Caption = "On"
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
Dim I As Integer
' Center the form on the screen
Move (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2, (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2
MidiSetupForm.Show MODAL
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
' Close midiin port
' Restore volume before closing
If (MIDIOutput1.HasLRVolume) Then
MIDIOutput1.VolumeLeft = lVolume
MIDIOutput1.VolumeRight = rVolume
ElseIf (MIDIOutput1.HasVolume) Then
MIDIOutput1.VolumeLeft = lVolume
End If
' Close
End Sub
Sub Knob1_Change ()
If (MIDIOutput1.HMidiDevice <> 0) Then
MIDIOutput1.VolumeLeft = Knob1.Value
MIDIOutput1.VolumeRight = Knob1.Value
End If
End Sub
Sub Knob1_Scroll ()
If (MIDIOutput1.HMidiDevice <> 0) Then
MIDIOutput1.VolumeLeft = Knob1.Value
MIDIOutput1.VolumeRight = Knob1.Value
End If
End Sub
Sub KnobPan_Change (Channel As Integer)
If OptionMidiController(0).Value = True Then
' Send PAN controller for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), PAN, (KnobPan(Channel).Value), 0
If OptionMidiController(1).Value = True Then
' Send Reverb controller for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), EXTERNAL_FX_DEPTH, (KnobPan(Channel).Value), 0
If OptionMidiController(2).Value = True Then
' Send Chorus controller for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), CHORUS_DEPTH, (KnobPan(Channel).Value), 0
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub KnobPan_Scroll (Channel As Integer)
If OptionMidiController(0).Value = True Then
' Send PAN controller for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), PAN, (KnobPan(Channel).Value), 0
If OptionMidiController(1).Value = True Then
' Send Reverb controller for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), EXTERNAL_FX_DEPTH, (KnobPan(Channel).Value), 0
If OptionMidiController(2).Value = True Then
' Send Chorus controller for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), CHORUS_DEPTH, (KnobPan(Channel).Value), 0
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub MIDIInput1_Message ()
Dim InMessage As Integer
Dim InData1 As Integer
Dim InData2 As Integer
'This do while loop allows you to take all the messages that are
'waiting in the message queue.
Do While MIDIInput1.MessageCount > 0
'This is the incoming MIDI data
InMessage = MIDIInput1.Message
InData1 = MIDIInput1.Data1
InData2 = MIDIInput1.Data2
'LblMidiMessage.Caption = Str(InMessage)
'LblInQueueCount.Caption = MIDIInput1.MessageCount
'Now we are going to send the MIDI data that just came in the
'MIDI IN, right back out the MIDI OUT
MIDIOutput1.Message = InMessage
MIDIOutput1.Data1 = InData1
MIDIOutput1.Data2 = InData2
'Tell MIDIOutput1 to send the MIDI data
'Remove the MIDI data from the MIDI IN queue
' Make MIDI Note On volume from one of 16 MIDI channels light correct
' VU meter. If MIDI Note Off then 0 VU Meter. CheckMeter must be on.
' Placed outside MessageCount loop to allow for faster processing of
' queued MIDI In data.
If InMessage >= 144 And InMessage <= 159 And CheckMeter.Value = 1 Then
VIndicator1(InMessage Mod 16).Value = InData2
ElseIf InMessage >= 128 And InMessage <= 143 Then
VIndicator1(InMessage Mod 16).Value = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub mnuFileExit_Click ()
End Sub
Sub mnuFileOpen_Click ()
End Sub
Sub mnuSettingsMidi_Click ()
MidiSetupForm.Show MODAL
End Sub
Sub OptionMidiController_Click (index As Integer)
If OptionMidiController(0) = True Then Frame3.Caption = "[MIDI Out] Left/Right Panning"
If OptionMidiController(1) = True Then Frame3.Caption = "[MIDI Out] Roland SC Reverb"
If OptionMidiController(2) = True Then Frame3.Caption = "[MIDI Out] Roland SC Chorus"
End Sub
Sub VSliderVolume_Change (Channel As Integer)
' Control Volume for each MIDI channel
' message, data1, data2, time
MidiOutputSend (CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel), MAIN_VOLUME, (VSliderVolume(Channel).Value), 0
End Sub
Sub VSliderVolume_Scroll (Channel As Integer)
' Control Volume for each MIDI channel
MIDIOutput1.Message = CONTROLLER_CHANGE + Channel
MIDIOutput1.Data2 = VSliderVolume(Channel).Value
MIDIOutput1.Time = 0
'Tell MIDIOutput1 to send the MIDI data
End Sub